Saturday, December 23, 2006

Arroz a la Cubana

1/4 k ground lean pork (note:1 kilo = 2.2 lbs)
1/4 k ground beef
2 tbsp oil
1 tbsp garlic, macerated
a small onion, sliced thin
1 large tomato, sliced
1 small box of raisins (approx. 1/6 cup)
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp salt
6 cups cooked (steamed) rice, molded (use a cup as mold)
fried saba or plaintain banana, sliced
fried sweet potatoes
sunny side up fried eggs, one per person


Saute in hot oil, garlic, onion, and tomato until tender. Add meat and cook until done. Add the rest of the ingredients and season. Arrange the molds of rice on a huge platter. I like to make a ring of the molds of rice. Arrange in the central part of the platter the cooked meat mixture, the fried bananas and sweet potatoes. Top molds of rice with fried eggs. This makes a dramatic presentation! Serves 6.